Wellington timetable update!

Here’s the revised timetable for the weekend.

Please note the Youth D and C competition has been brought forward a bit.

Saturday 3rd September

7.00am Facility opens for warm up.

8.00am OPENS competitors Briefing

8.15am Opens competitors move into the isolation area

8.30am    1st competitor starts

9.15am  10th competitor starts

10.05am 20th competitor starts

10.55am 30th competitor starts

12.10pm  Last competitor finishes

12.10pm Youth B/A/ Junior / Masters – Isolation opens

12.20 Routesetting for Youth B / A/ Jun / Masters – Facility closed

1.05pm Facility Opens

1.15pm YB / YA / Jun / Masters Briefing

1.30pm  1st competitor starts

1.45pm 10th competitor starts

2.35pm 20th competitor starts

3.25pm 30th competitor starts

4.15pm 40th competitor starts

6.25pm Last competitor finishes

6.20 OPENS finalists – Isolation Opens

6.30 Facility Closed for Opens Finals Routesetting

6.30 Isolation Closes

6.20 Facility Opens

7.30 Briefing and Viewing x 3

7.45 Opens Finals Round 1 Starts

9.45 Opens Finals Finishes

10.00 Prizegiving

Sunday 4th September

8.00am Facility opens for competitors

8.30am Youth C and D Bouldering Competition Starts

10.15am Youth C and D Bouldering Competition Ends

10.30am Youth C and D Prizegiving

10.30 am Isolation opens all categories

10.40 am Isolation closes all categories

10.45am Youth B and Masters Viewing

11.00am Youth B and Masters Finals Start

12.30pm Youth B and Masters Finals End

12.45pm Junior and Youth A Viewing

1.00pm Junior and Youth A Finals Start

2.30pm Junior and Youth A Finals End

2.30pm Prizegiving

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